Dress:: anny's Fashion -[AF] Ivy Dress DarkWeb [ B!BH7 ] hunt prize 1L$
Hair:: VCO HAIR _ Juni [ Light Color ] [*TSS*]
T-shirts/Skirt:: Grumble -Came to Slay t-shirt/Coffin Garter Skirt-Grey [ B!BH7 ] hunt prize 1L$
earring/necklace:: SEVYN EAST Elvira Necklace/earring [ B!BH7 ] hunt prize 1L$
Mobile:: The Artist Shed Ghosty Mobile[4Li] [ B!BH7 ] hunt prize 1L$
HalloweenDeco:: Special O'Cassions of Second Life Decorative Halloween Display Table [9Li] [ B!BH7 ] hunt prize 1L$
lingerie applier:: ::ADRIS KING:: Omega Advanced Applier - Outfit v1.61 [ B!BH7 ] hunt prize 1L$
Pose:: Lush Poses - Electricity - Bento static pose with mirror pose [ B!BH7 ] hunt prize 1L$
Dress (one size):: SySca Dress Hailey [ B!BH7 ] hunt prize 1L$
Boo!Bunny HUNT7